It happens only in true love ./?

It’s a simple story of a girl who aims high and wishes to be a charming lady for her dad. It all started when she fell in love with a boy way back when she was in 9th grade. But as everyone knows, teenagers are foolish and do things which they regret later on in their life. Same was the case with this young lady. After many months of falling in love with that boy, she was stabbed by him through harshness and bitterness. She tried to gain her composure and with great difficulty controlled her emotions. In the mean time, another boy came for her support and he ended up sitting in a bright corner of the girl’s mind and heart. Oh! What befell on her? She was not even out of her past relation when she got attracted by another species. Even though she was never in a relationship with that previous fellow but that one person had created so much place with so many good memories in her life, heart, mind and soul that she could never forget her despite of several attempts. She realized that may be setting into a relationship with someone may help her get out of her chaotic mental turbulences. Little did she know that this small decision she made would entirely change her whole future and whole career. Following her newly acquired concept she turned affectionately toward her new friend and within a few days they were found to be in a relationship. The news of her new life reached the previous boy and intentionally or unknowingly he stared interfering in her life again. It was as if he still wanted to be a presence in her life. Silently he was spoiling the new heart bond. The new boy was completely unaware of the fact that his new girlfriend was still under the dark influence of the past. Slowly he had developed so strong and intense feelings for the girl that he was unconditionally ready to do anything for the girl. image This was the first time he was getting love. The previous one that he had was nothing less than an act of utter foolishness. How he wished he would not have survived through those days. Things were normal. He was happy cause he was being loved, and she was happy cause she had her past in one hand and her lover's intense love that she cherished to the full content of her heart. But things became unstable when 'possessiveness' creeped into the boy's immature head. He staunchly wanted to keep her lady under the folds of his heart. Things turned worse when he came to know that he was being cheated by that girl and that too just because she could not get over her past. He had realised that she wanted to live in her past, so he tried to walk away from her life but the dropping tears of the girl gave a 'below the belt' blow and he decided to give her another chance on the girl's plea hoping that his heart won't be shattered again. But this cruel heart had something else stored in for him. He faced the same betrayal again and again. He forgave her every time while she decided to take his tears for granted. Then from a day he started hating each and every boy with whom she had connection. This was not his choice of action but a forced catastrophic series of events born out of the betrayals he experienced in his very near past. Problems rose to new heights and solutions sank to greater unfathomable depths. Even after this, this rich girl did not visualize the real reason for the dramatic change in her prince's behaviour towards her. All that she concluded was that he had lost interest in her. She cried through the nights and smile faded away from her lips because her prince had been too rude towards her lately. image This boy was so upset that he did not feel the need of explaining the root of his actions. He had been trying to do something that would make her mistress forget her past and devote her entire heart towards him but all his attempts were found flushing down the loo pan. She started expanding her wings and then slowly one day she had so many boy-friend that her boyfriend could hardly live any second of his life without getting pain and depression. He decided to tell her what he wanted and expected her to understand his feelings and carry out some measures so that they both would live through a happy future. But when he explained every thing, in place of getting any relief he was burdened by some rules that he should follow to secure the girl's reputation all around. He had turned a puppet. To save his relation he tried as much as he could but failed to do what she had asked for and was then faced by so many mad hours. image Then one day he realised that the flow of love to him had stopped way back. Once he rejoiced for he was loved and now he weeped cause he longed for the love he had once received. He decided to decide for himself and stop being a doll of strings and this decision of his life led to the day when he lay alone on his bed looking at the shining stars through the sky hoping that she may even be looking at the same star. P.S. The story continues....... Girl's name: Rita Boy's name: Zeyan This couple lived in Lucknow in 2002.


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