The last page ?

The sun screamed through the pane, subsiding his mental pain to engulf him in the pace of life. He still slept on his bed, still in a illusion of the night, still in the mirage of his love, still in a reflection of his beautifully disastrous past. The clock stuck 9, and his mom came barging in to wake him up from his slumber,little did she know that her dear son had not been to dreams since last 3 new moons.

He pledged to start the day as a new beginning to his life, but deep inside he knew that it was farce like every other morning. But today was a bit different; this day marked end of 3 months of that plaqued evening when his life slipped from his heart and broke into a million un-repairable pieces. The distinct images of the night never cease to haunt every second of the clock. Deep black ovals  from below his eyes speak of his tired soul and his crawling walk reminded him of the pain that someone close suffered.

Did the incident that took place that evening still haunt him in his dreams? Were those dreams a reason that frighten him against slumber ?

He dragged his legs to the washroom. Standing before his own reflection he saw the same un-healed scar, a memory of the evening. He touched the scar for the zillionth time, bringing tears to his sore eyes. Bringing back the memories of the evening.

     That was the most amazing day of his life. A flutter of excitement kept him from blinking the entire night, and he found himself waiting for the alarm to wake him up, rather to tell him "Your wait is up, Today's the day, go get it." At the first beep of the alarm, he silenced it out and almost ran into the washroom nearly breaking his chin on the way against the door. Looking through the mirror he said, "Damn! My friend you got to get a shave now." After an hour spent in the washroom, trying everything he could to look decent he finally managed to drag himself out. Were not for his same excitement no witness would swear that it was the same guy who woke up an hour ago. Impatiently he stuffed half a sandwich into his chattering mouth which seemed reluctant to stop talking  even after half a glass of orange juice was poured in. Wiping the end of his lips, he hurried with his shoes and ran vigorously to whistle a taxi which would drive him down to his interview. This was going to be his day, he thought as he stepped on the pavement of the company whose HR manager was supposed to interview him for a well paid job. Competing more than two dorzen fellow, he came out victorious with a hair more than what he expected from the job. Seemed that his lucky petty job that gave him a certificate in the internship program few months ago gave a good push to his former low background. Pretty impressed with his luck, he set upon towards the real mission of his day. When the day had started with a Beethoven note nothing else can go wrong, he smiled at his presumption.
How true were his thoughts!

And he moved his legs to the taxi. Just as he was about to instruct the cab man towards his final destination, he remembered the significance of that day in his eventless life. In the cycle of just 4 seasons, he had been transformed from a failure to a man with dignity. He whistled a cab and rode towards her house to pick her up for lunch. After contemplating much, he had finally decided to declare his commitment.

They had lunch at a restaurant where they had a live jass band playing. It was her favourite. All by his plans, the band announced the next song as dedicated to her and she sat transfixed with the changing tunes of the song-Whiplash. As the song concluded with the final note... she stood up to clap and turned around to thank him, she found him kneeling with solitaire in a velvet cube. The next few moments seemed to pass by in a jiffy. The proposal-the tears-the yes-the kiss-and the long hug.

Later they went for a movie. Post showtime they decided to go for a walk before they rode off to her house. They were completely immersed in themselves completely unaware that a scoundrel had lost a gamble and was dead drunk, so was his pack.

9 of themcame from behind overpowering him. Two of them emptied their rage on him while the others emptied their libido onto her. They did not spare her, completely destroying her face beyond recognition and her genitals kept bleeding profusely. She was left naked dying on the street while he lay paralysed a distance away watching the horrors unfold. Neither could he scream nor could he help her.

It wasn't until wee hours of dawn that someone saw them and were rushed into the ER. It was late but not over. Doctors saver her life, but she could never be a mother again. His ability to hear and talk had been lost. Her mind was equally scarred as her body. The wounds shall heal but not her life, not her mind. He had almost complete recovery after 2 months.

After 3 months he still finds it hard to believe. She had been kept captive in a mental asylum. After the hospital, she had been mentally unstable and fear seeped in her capillaries. Although he din't suffer much, but the girl he loved lost everything. All he wanted was a life, embraced in her arms.

The goons fled away, a case had been registered but no progress has been seen towards identifying them Both of the victims have not been sound ever  since to point the culprits out.

Has our society been so dark that the moles take solace in destroying lives ? Or our legal system so weak that such moles echo out a cynic laughter at it ?
There can be no single person who can't be blamed for this. It's such incidents that forces us to hang our heads in shame. As a part of the society, each and everyone is to be blamed, each one to be shamed.

All they wished for was to write a book filled with smiles and tears depicting years of being together till the last page shall do them apart.


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