The Rainbows

Much has had been made of the bizarre state of Equality. While most of the democrat nations contain Equality with-a-capital-E as a part of their propaganda while forming the constitutions; of them all, a very few truly hand out equality to its citizens on a platter. They fight to crumble and the rest, strong enough to bear the hilt of the sword, are put through the infinite ridicules of the smaller minds. There are sexual preferences beyond being straight yet the significant part of our society that explores its sexuality to its own preference is shamed and mortified. The Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender; mostly referred as LGBT, are forced to hide behind the drapes of Straightness so as to be accepted in the social order.

But the times are changing. Not much can be done to change the acceptance of people who prefer to live in the tube, yet the people who demand change, not just for the sake of change, stand witness to the growing number of people who accept their sexuality for as it is. Burning the drapes never was and never will be easy for anyone but one can feel themselves being light as air and free as a bird, as the shackles of their own minds give up. A lot of credit goes to people of stature, the personalities of the public eye, the men of honour and all other people whom we look up to; for openly accepting their sexuality rejecting the scrutinizing petite minds.

The change is not just significant with the stars of the screen for accepting who they are; the change is significant in prints too. Few years ago, all the protagonists and supporting characters of all books mostly explored the preference of straightness. But such has been the change that young adult genre have started portraying characters, far less in age-early or late teens, openly accepting their sexuality. Most of the times even if the characters are openly scoffed at yet they bear it all to gain acceptance from them all. This is what encourages young people to be at peace of their mind.

The real problem lies in one’s own confines. Parents are, by all accounts, the first ones to accept their children for who they are, next comes the society. If a child has acceptance from parents, there are chances less that the outside rejection, if any, would affect psychologically; for parents are the ones who would understand the predicaments and prejudices the child might go through. On the contrary, rejection of the child’s sexuality by the parents can drive the child psychosomatic and all hopes of self-acceptance dies down right there.

It’s often describes as ‘coming out in the open’ sounding like a convict accepting his delinquencies. Defining ones sexuality, accepting oneself for who one really is (sexually) is not a crime to be confessed. In fact it is one act of bravery deserving a medal of honour from the society. Most of them fail to accept themselves, forcing themselves being what the society expects them to be. They end up cheating not only themselves but also the people they (under compulsion) plan to be in matrimony with.

Since the world is changing, so should the pint-sized temperament. In the last few years people have accepted who they really are and also others to being who they are. Peaceful marches in favour of this movement have been openly shared by individuals of all sexuality. The LGBT for screaming out free and the Straights acknowledging the change, both have been present for each other, silently promising to be the same till the end. Fighting alongside they give out an example as being one true society. And this encourages all other who are afraid to accept themselves to scream ‘Liberty’ out loud, liberty from the shackles of their own minds.


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