Move-On :-)

A great author once quoted, "The opposite of love is not hate; hate is just love gone bad. The actual opposite of love is apathy: when you don't care a damn as to what happens to the other"

There's no point of denying or obscuring the fact that most of us have gone through a period of heart break and lost love. But today even though we live; we had spoken to our mate, "I can't live without you." Feeling nostalgic?
Theoretically it sounds absurd, unless she happens to be the only doctor who knows about your illness. But how are you alive? Or how have you gotten over the completely. Some part of the lost love still resides within your heart. And each of those memory still incite a shivering pain through your soul. In fact, the pain never goes away; with time it just gets easier to mask the pain and carry on with a straight face. Time doesn't heal everything, it's just that time gives one the strength to face the world with all the pain buried deep inside the chest. So basically moving forward has few phases, each one being a medicine, each taking it's own sweet time.

A New Mate? Hell no! That isn't the first phase of the new life. In fact a new mate may just help you to get on for a few days but believe me it's not the girl, it's just you and your ego that got you to help yourself, on a small scale.

Ironically, the first phase is related to your past i.e. Missing. Oh yeah! Missing is the first phase of moving on. You would miss, cry, get depressed, stop eating and what-not. The more tears you shed, the easier it would be for you. Each tear washes out a fragment of pain and a fragment of love. Even though the pain never gets washed out completely, there's always a chance for Love to get that fate. Too many tears subside the pain, slowly turning love into apathy. So one must take charge of the emotions and not drain out too much love and pain. Both the abstracts should be preserved equally within oneself.

The next phase involves an old friend, The Eraser. Fetch it and start wiping out those old memories that have been physically recorded; the letters, the gifts, the pictures, etc. There's absolutely no need to preserve the rusted memories. The more you erase, the more you will find yourself remembering them. So what's the use of those 'things' when you have everything by your heart. As practically easy it may seem, emotionally this act is bound to give you a turmoil. Take control and try to accomplish the task at hand. Initially you may feel guilty of erasing; thinking s/he might not forgive you for this. To hell with that! For God Sake, You have decided to make a new start.

The next step is yet difficult. Whom do you trust the most? Your Mom/Dad/Sister/BFF/Brother/Cousin/Teacher/Uncle/Aunt.... doesn't matter who that person is. Narrate yourself, your story. From the first sight to the last day. Recall everything you want to, I repeat, what you want to. You would break down, so may your audience. But at the end of it all, you would receive a warm hug that would seem to press against you so hard that much of your pain would squeeze out of your veins. The most beautiful part of this phase is that, whomever you choose won't judge you nor would show sympathy for both the abstracts are equally unnecessary and arrogant. You will be listening to a few advices and things-to-do. Listen but there's absolutely no need to follow it word to word like a statement carved on rock. After all you have gone through three phases, you are mature enough to make your own decisions.

So now can you see other people? Oh yes! that's the next step unless 'seeing' means 'dating'. Next step dictates you to go out and show yourself that the world is still the same, as it was before you left into your own fantasy world with your mate.

So then you come up to the next step, the most difficult one which is to gain your lost confidence. Takw up what's important for you. Let's say, for e.g., your semesters, an entrance you wanted to crack, a job you wanted to land in. Make it your aim and channel all your energy into it. Sometimes the anger you'be suppressed can also act as a great motivation when you feel low while pursuing your aim. Let it out but keep it channelised in one direction.

When you start seeing the pinnacle, you would start gaining confidence. With time you would definitely be strong enough to go-on on your own.
And now you need not be desperate to get into a relationship for the one with success is the greatest relation. Your heart won't be fool enough to start up with someone else just at that instant. From your experience you would be wise. You would be afraid and nervous. And these abstracts would help you guide yourself through your new relation, when it happens. Flash forward, you would be able to guide another broken soul,just like someone listened to you all those years back. And now you would instruct him/her with certain do's and don'ts; completely aware that it's upto that person to put up with you or tear your words down.

So did you really forget your past. Yes? Ask yourself.

They are still alive in our heart. Each of those memory still prick us, but time has given us the strength to go on. Cause "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."


Due credit for the opening and closing line of this post to Amish Tripathi and John Green respectively. ("Shiva Trilogy" & "The Faulty In Our Stars" respectively)


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