
Showing posts from 2013

Questions that matter…

Questions that matter… Turn any page of any book, read a few lines; you are bound to come across a few questions about the text or the tale in your mind. Questions are the reason for every progress man has ever achieved. Edison’s questioned charge, Newton questioned the Apple fall and Einstein questioned physics itself. Questions are the reason we are studying days and nights. Questions are the sole reason due to which man evolved from an ape to today’s devil. Apart from all these public or social questions, there are a few questions that are way too personal to share. Better still there are some questions that we come across once in many years. They are the questions which make us question ourselves. Sometimes these questions are, well, too simple yet one fails to answer even a part of it. These are the questions that shiver each strand of the body. And sometimes these questions come from the most unimaginable sources and that makes even more difficult to answer. Last evening, I wa


WHEN I HAD GIVEN UP, almost. »No soul has been ever favored by time with the same approach at a stretch. »Time waits for none. »It's a race against time to achieve the survival of the fittest. »Time changes. »Good moments are temporary and the bad conditions are not permanent. This summarizes what I learnt in the Summer of O'13. What I achieved out of this summer is still a hazy pale screen for me but what I realize is that the change my Emotions went through to confirm my state today, as I step out of the Summer break, would never have taken place if I had not asked someone, “if fixing the next tuition time at 3pm would be fine.” It was that April and it’s this June, life of my emotions has been through an enormous change, a change much needed to prevent me from turning a manic. When my physical presence was moving through the time of April'13, my mind was still stuck with the summer of '11.  Those were the days when one person was with me all the time, sharin

The Girl who lost her Phone...

The Girl who lost her Phone... ....There stood a girl, out of my interest; smiling, playing, and giggling with a couple others. They seem so out of any mental distress while I sat 20 yards away carrying a sunken face.... That scrupulous twilight has been clearly etched into my memory; the blue sky with a hint of yellow masking the horizon speaking of the prolonging presence of the hot ball of fire, the lush green hill-side bushes with a layer of water kissing the leaf surfaces reminding of the torrential rains few hours back. The weather, 2 hours ago, seemed to echo my thoughts. While everyone was out enjoying the rain, scooping up every delight one could acquire from the premature rains on a scorching May evening, I sat down holding my phone gazing at the screen watching a still image. How I wish I were the part of those lucky teenagers who were out with their friends up on a hill side, watching the entire city. My city appeared to have been smoking, with the bare earth covered wit

My ‘Purple’ Hangover...

My ‘Purple’ Hangover... If only novels were a part of our prospectus, guess I would have never failed. Only if they assemble subjects on obsessions that by and large capture 90% of my awareness all-round-the-year....... Shame they don’t. Coming into what I really face.... Ever had an emotion that you are bothered for a few hours after completing a tragic love story? Or ever thought of all those events and characters, --ditching the matter you should actually be thinking about--, and nothing else dwell in your thoughts for hours at a stretch. Well, I have the same effect upon me whenever I put down a book even if at-least for a break; finding myself weakening to put up a fight against those breathtaking (even ghastly ) sentiments, I find myself tracing the same path back to my book and trying to complete the tale. Impending along to the day when I took reading novels on a serious note rather than just a means to pass the time in a train journey (-- Comics took care of that in the c

A Minute is all it takes....

A Minute is all it takes.... It was a beautiful winter morning but the everlasting chill of December made the gravity around my bed 10 times the usual strength. All I longed was for a hot cup of coffee while I stay wrapped up in my red blanket. There was something unusual in that particular morning; the birds seemed quieter and there was hardly any movement outside. The usual noise and bustle of the street had died down dramatically after the episode. A dense mist of tension seemed to hang over the neighboring roads too. It was as if all lanes had decided to cast this eeriness in harmony. Holding the cup of coffee in my hand I waited for the newspaper delivery which normally got home before I got up every morning; which was the actual reason why I hired that agency for my newspaper delivery. The newspaper dint arrive; impatiently I shifted to watch the TV news but all I could see was dense black and white dots all over the screen creating unimaginable illusions and patterns when I got


Incidentally , a few years ago, across many districts….. With a high chest for holding my Dad’s phone and a grumpy face for have been forced to wear a servani, I strode the unknown lanes of my birth town. Sometimes getting lost but eventually finding my way back to the main green field, I felt a sense of pride to have been able to successfully explore the small mines-township (seemed so big then). Ten years ago a beautiful woman lived in this very town when her father had a desk job at the mines of. It was here a beautiful woman got married and it was here when a small boy’s cry echoed the hospital, the boy who now is narrating THIS tale. It was the first time I came to this town after leaving out at an early age of 3 months. Later on I couldn’t return, Grandpa retired and they moved in with Uncle in another town of the state. As I reached a particular house, about a kilometer away from the marriage house (I was here to attend the marriage of a far aunt who liked me very much), I saw

My 'Kai Po Che' review

KAI PO CHE At last after a year long wait and week long frenzy on the local theatre management I finally got to see ‘Kai Po Che’. Reason for fury? My most waited film got screened in Rourkela’s only theatre (Konark Talkies) a week late of the actual release. After attending my last day in Class XI, I drove down to the theatre and watched this movie in my school uniform. And here I sit now writing my review on this movie. The movie starts with a scene of present day with Omi getting out of jail. This outlook actually confused me for I had already started relating the movie with the book. The rich business fellow Raj Kumar Yadav a.k.a Govind drives Amit Sadh (Omi) out. On a halt at a CCD, Omi watches an Indian Cricket Match being telecasted and the 22 yard scene brings back the memories of the day when everything started, when Govi decided to start a business. Going back 10 years in history, Sushant Singh Rajput debuts in Bollywood in shorts and an old customized #10 Indian jersey with

It happens only in India, my country.

Talent presides in each and every corner of my country. Even a simple 'chaiwala' may have the capability to grow up to become a millionaire. That's what the type of plots we see in Bollywood movies. These things are not entirely fiction. Even fiction takes birth from fact. And India is a country where these fictitious on-screen events take the shape of a real life character in some corner of the country. The epic comic character Spiderman has a twin in India. Yes there is a man who climbs cliffs and other difficult (almost perpendicular) walls without any support or life saving measures. Here in India we can find small children of less than 5 years of age walking on 20mm rope at 20m height above the ground. That's a great balance act. It's found only in India that even though people die together in a terrorist attack, they rise of together the very next day and continue their life as if nothing has happened. This positive attitudes towards life gives a severe blow

The Last Illusion....

The Last Illusion Eccentric flashes, deep awakened out sleep Dream, reality, illusion?  Obscure edged cliff Anonymous visage, never seen ever, at rim Glancing deep in, fathoming death, Young sun beam. Youth up high alter angry hot, scrutiny of the one verdict Oh! What befell on him, or her, wish I knew or predict Broken heart, kaput soul, ruined wish, wrecked shoulders? Fallen people, solemn heat, humanity crushed, sown boulder? Regret; he, or she, clasps. A single gave up the ghost His kin largely bears? Or this craven stanchly, hither the most? “In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and the Holy Spirit Forgive me, for I dint know what………” a plea to HE, be it. 28K gasp back, wish could he, or she, repeal and reach now puff With green sod meal, love, life beside, Or with firearm seeking white dove Walked down shoeless, hatless, coatless. Repenting by His consort Tears nothing less, nothing more at her he did sought Out of inclination, begot of remorse, profound with

Truth I Knew.....

Truth I Knew Enlightened by the truth, Confronted the reality, Settled out all mix-ups Set myself out free. A bitter truth it is, Conferred Love, furnished care A harsh fact it is, All what I did, all in vain. Year and a half gone past by, Lots of love, lots of heart Many a times I did, poured- Out my heart, cried down till gut. Sarcasm paid no upshot, Nor did straight wrestle Oh! What is in him? What has, is, he done, doing? Let know me, “Stay away as of US”. Can’t smidgen out the vista, it’ll never heal Vapors of distrust never found to outline Until counters didn’t me dominant, on he. Wish I knew, wish I succeed To fetch her back, Out the phony clench of the thespian Scatter before her, all the TRUTH I knew.

Valley deepens..... Paths broken

Part III Continuation of 'Love takes sacrifices'. Our movies show that after every night comes up a beautiful dawn which engulfs all sorrow and misery off the grid leaving the (ex-) victim cherishing the beauty of life. This probably only takes ground on screen, real life is not as beautiful as it is portrayed in novels and movies. The valley that had developed after a year of their relationship only deepened further. Life was cruel for both of them with each one literally correct at their own feet. But situations were so formed that none of them was able to express the true feeling, none could bridge the valley. Year ago the only way He was able to pull himself through the day was planning on what to say and how to bring a smile on her face during their all night long phone calls. No relation is void of fights. Even they had their fights but the solution used to be just an hour away on phone. But these phone call series was cut off by her. Her mom and dad had made her promi

Love takes sacrifices !!!!

It's a continuation of the post named " It happens only in true love ./? " The days seemed to pass by like a storm and the nights crept like drought. Gazing through the rusted grilled windows looking past the unchanged sky, the unchanged air and at the unchanged star; he felt the sore contrast of his love life strike him at full force and that’s when he decided to get everything right and dig into the root of the truth of his shattered relationship. Out there in her flowery, yet thorny, bed she drenched her pillow with salty heart feelings that form a waterfall each and every night. She recalled how he had tried to explain his feelings and how she burdened him with rules. But what can she do, being a girl she’s got the responsibility to even keep up the family name. She was cuffed with the principles of her dad. She loved her dad more than anyone else in the whole world, how could she just forget the man who took care of her every need since last 15 years

I'm Sorry! My love

Pain it is from ignorance Someone in utter turbulence Tougher it turns when barriers sublime Or when duo hearts combine. Distance vision nay foresee Jealousy gives no mercy Wish could I quit conservation, Let thee free, no suppression. Sorry, Oh! Dear. Mistakes commited I bow by thy patience submitted Forgave all, portrayed smile, weep within Thee did all before, similar something Tried I much, nay could I succeed Thy are garlanded high status indeed Never would I match your height Wish you understand dear,and not fight. Things that I wanted to convey Is that never would I be able to give away You gifts, flowers, chocolates or what you lure Just yield thy feet my loyalty pure. --------- written on 23.09.12