Valley deepens..... Paths broken

Part III
Continuation of 'Love takes sacrifices'.

Our movies show that after every night comes up a beautiful dawn which engulfs all sorrow and misery off the grid leaving the (ex-) victim cherishing the beauty of life. This probably only takes ground on screen, real life is not as beautiful as it is portrayed in novels and movies. The valley that had developed after a year of their relationship only deepened further. Life was cruel for both of them with each one literally correct at their own feet. But situations were so formed that none of them was able to express the true feeling, none could bridge the valley. Year ago the only way He was able to pull himself through the day was planning on what to say and how to bring a smile on her face during their all night long phone calls. No relation is void of fights. Even they had their fights but the solution used to be just an hour away on phone.

But these phone call series was cut off by her. Her mom and dad had made her promise that she won’t indulge in any such activity hence forth. She loved her father more than anything else in the whole entire world. How can a 1 year relationship ever take over the love and care of last 15 years? Blood is always greater than anything else. Being was 110% correct in her way, she had to a decision because she had poorly performed in one of the most important phase of her life and the reason was she was distracted by him. She finally decided to make parents and passion her foremost priority and ‘He’ be her lowermost one.

In the same phase of life He has succeeded with a rainbow at hand. When asked about the secret of his success, he would shyly smile and shape his lips into a single word answer, “She”. It was madness that the night long phone calls became an addiction without which he could not live, an addiction worse than alcohol, cigar and drugs combined.

After all those turbulences in ‘their’ life, the only way he saw to solve the problems was ‘A Phone Call’.
Even on request for a single night call, she kept her head strong on her decision. She had made her father be ashamed from her acts in the past. Now she wanted to make up for all his tears.

Situation worsened when He lost hope and opted for Alcohol and Cigar for addiction. A girl’s heart is always soft. She could not let herself away from him. She tried to solve the misunderstood situations through texting. But the newly found addiction had taken feet so deep into him that he barely could afford a text pack. This happened around 18 months post the commencement of their relationship.

One night sleeping on the same thorny bed, he finally concluded that everything is out of his hands. And then he stopped trying to get her back. He stopped trying to SMS her, he ceased calling her. And even stopped himself from going to meet her. But fate again decided to shove a leg in the somewhat ‘Move-On’ situation. But little did Fate know that every night both of them slept on dry pillow but woke on a wet one. He still looked at the same star hoping that even she would be looking at the same star.

To be continued.....


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