Truth I Knew.....

Truth I Knew

Enlightened by the truth,
Confronted the reality,
Settled out all mix-ups
Set myself out free.

A bitter truth it is,
Conferred Love, furnished care
A harsh fact it is,
All what I did, all in vain.

Year and a half gone past by,
Lots of love, lots of heart
Many a times I did, poured-
Out my heart, cried down till gut.

Sarcasm paid no upshot,
Nor did straight wrestle
Oh! What is in him?
What has, is, he done, doing?

Let know me, “Stay away as of US”.
Can’t smidgen out the vista, it’ll never heal
Vapors of distrust never found to outline
Until counters didn’t me dominant, on he.

Wish I knew, wish I succeed
To fetch her back,
Out the phony clench of the thespian
Scatter before her, all the TRUTH I knew.


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