I'm Sorry! My love

Pain it is from ignorance
Someone in utter turbulence
Tougher it turns when barriers sublime
Or when duo hearts combine.

Distance vision nay foresee
Jealousy gives no mercy
Wish could I quit conservation,
Let thee free, no suppression.

Sorry, Oh! Dear. Mistakes commited
I bow by thy patience submitted
Forgave all, portrayed smile, weep within
Thee did all before, similar something

Tried I much, nay could I succeed
Thy are garlanded high status indeed
Never would I match your height
Wish you understand dear,and not fight.

Things that I wanted to convey
Is that never would I be able to give away
You gifts, flowers, chocolates or what you lure
Just yield thy feet my loyalty pure.

--------- written on 23.09.12


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