The Last Illusion....

The Last Illusion

Eccentric flashes, deep awakened out sleep
Dream, reality, illusion?  Obscure edged cliff
Anonymous visage, never seen ever, at rim
Glancing deep in, fathoming death, Young sun beam.

Youth up high alter angry hot, scrutiny of the one verdict
Oh! What befell on him, or her, wish I knew or predict
Broken heart, kaput soul, ruined wish, wrecked shoulders?
Fallen people, solemn heat, humanity crushed, sown boulder?

Regret; he, or she, clasps. A single gave up the ghost
His kin largely bears? Or this craven stanchly, hither the most?
“In the name of the Holy Father, Holy Son and the Holy Spirit
Forgive me, for I dint know what………” a plea to HE, be it.

28K gasp back, wish could he, or she, repeal and reach now puff
With green sod meal, love, life beside, Or with firearm seeking white dove
Walked down shoeless, hatless, coatless. Repenting by His consort
Tears nothing less, nothing more at her he did sought

Out of inclination, begot of remorse, profound with Final
Reaches the site, plunk there still, closed eyes, vision His funeral
---There stood I blemishing my intent of life, of birth, of now
A Last wheeze, sop up the cool breeze, and just turned around for soil to let go---

Meet you up Oh! Pal, you there for me
I with you, by me
What’s the disparity? She dint excuse me for you
I come to you, ask forgiveness, just to meet YOU.


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